Nutritional Testing
Are you taking in, digesting and assimilating all the nutrients you need to support your overall wellness?
When your body is in balance, your vital organs and glands work together harmoniously. When your body is stressed in any way the coherence of your systems, organs and tissues can become compromised. This may lead to dysregulation, depletion and illness.
Herbs and supplements can be targeted specifically to the part of your physiology that needs it.
The vitality and strength of your internal systems can be measured. Using a method called Quantum Reflex Analysis (Kinesiological Muscle Testing), your physiological deficiencies can be pin-pointed and balanced with resonant nutritional supplements and detoxification remedies.
What to Expect
This process creates a unique opportunity to allow your body's own intelligence to be accessed and worked with for your well-being. Based on your results, a personalized protocol to address your specific health concerns and goals will be put together. You will be given recommendations of specific herbs and/or supplements to strengthen, vitalize and clear your system.
We work with high quality, third parted tested, additive free herbs and supplements.
Nutritional testing session: 1 hr ($175)
(206) 588-9275
Sound View Center, 432 3rd St.
Langley, Whidbey Island